My response came a week or so ago and I only had a chance to "really" read it yesterday. Then I heard the weather forecast and NOW I'm really angry. These dogs are going to suffer in unbearable conditions for the next few days. They will all be locked in cages sitting in the sun or locked in airless barns with putrid water and crappy food, surrounded by flies and countless other bugs. I'm so angry and here's the letter that I'm blaming my anger on. Actually, it's not the letter but the lack of support, we have 3 people committed for tomorrows demo, the same 3 that show up every Saturday.
Anyway this is the letter I received from Lancaster County. (oops first let me show you the letter I sent them.)
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am strongly opposed to commercial breeding kennels where the costs are minimized by providing substandard care and conditions for the dogs in an effort to increase the profit. It is morally and ethically wrong to keep dogs in wire cages for their entire lives, breeding them over and over until they die. I am writing to request that you immediately take steps to address the horrific conditions in commercial kennels in Pennsylvania, particularly Lancaster County. The laws need to be upgraded to provide better care for the dogs, the regulations need to be rewritten, and enforcement needs to be dramatically enhanced. At a minimum every kennel that does not have a visible, safe source of heat and air-conditioning should be immediately shut down. Given the number of fires at kennels that have killed hundreds of dogs it is obvious that propane is not safe source of heat and should not be allowed.
I ask that the responsibility for creating the regulations and enforcing them be moved from the Agriculture Department. As has been noted on many occasions including by Senator Greenleaf and past Agriculture Secretary, Charles Brosius, there is an inherent conflict of interest in having the same agency that is supposed to promote an industry be the same agency tasked with investigating that industry.
It is shocking that a state like Pennsylvania would become a haven for such a despicable industry. Such disregard for life mocks decency. I will not visit Lancaster County or PA. until the commercial kennels are shut down. I will tell everyone I know not to visit Lancaster County. I could never vacation in a place where such cruelty exists. I could never vacation in a place where such cruelty exists. I will choose to spend my tourist dollar in another location.
Dogs hold a special place in my heart and always will. They're our protector's, our companions and best friends and they deserve our very best efforts. We have betrayed our responsibility towards them in many ways, but none so distressing or disturbing as the puppy mill. After all the licks, wags and love they have given us, we owe them this fight. Please protect those who can't protect themselves; please take steps to stop this atrocity.
Here is the response I received in May from the PA Dutch Convention & Visitors Bureau:
Dear Jeanie;
I appreciate receiving your letter of April 28th, and can certainly understand your outrage over the inhumane treatment of dogs at certain large-scale breeding kennels located here and in surrounding areas. I agree that what's happening in these puppy mills is atrocious.
I must respectfully disagree, however, with utilizing a boycott of Lancaster County tourism to impact this situation, as there is no direct link between the two.
Instead, the key to resolve this issue is enforcement of current and prospective laws, and education of the consumer. To that end, Lancaster's tourism industry strongly supports efforts to ensure that these conditions are swiftly brought to a halt by state officials.
We applaud Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell's work in recent years to resolve this problem, and his pledge to further step up this campaign. To maintain the focus on this issue, we have been directing concerned citizens like yourself to contact the Governor's office
( and the state's Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement (
We also continue to urge consumers to make an informed decision when purchasing a dog, as the most direct way to address puppy mill cruelty is to eliminate demand. Our message is that it's important to ask questions and know where a puppy has come from. Thus, we've been directing individuals to the Humane Society website ( as a great starting point for making an educated choice.
Abusive breeders should be put out of business immediately and permanently. There are not two ways about it. The PA Dutch CVB remains committed to working toward solutions that result in the humane treatment of dogs breed for sale in Lancaster County, and we welcome your voice in this effort.
President & CEO
Pennsylvania Dutch Convention
& Visitors Bureau
I will write them again but first let me try it out here, on my blog.
Dear PA Dutch CVB I appreciate your letter of May 27th and can understand your situation. As the CEO of the Convention and Visitors Bureau it's your job to attract visitors regardless of the pathetic actions of the so called dog breeders in your county. I'm not a member of your Visitors Bureau, I don't breed dogs and I'm not Amish and I'm truly offended when you say you "understand" my outrage! You clearly don't. Since the rest of your sentence makes it clear that you don't have a clue about my "outrage" over commercial breeders.
Yes, I'm outraged about the in humane treatment of all breeding kennels, but size doesn't matter! I realize that for that for you and Governor Rendell size does matter. Shame on you. Tell that to the puppy dying in the heat this weekend in a "small" kennel, oh sorry, dogs will be dying in "every puppy mill" this weekend, regardless of size. Your governor hasn't done a damn thing, yet. Tell that to the thousands of dogs this weekend. Your Governor only had to get the Inspectors to DO THEIR JOB, that's it, just get them to do what they're already paid to do! Maybe stop them from doing what someone else is paying them NOT TO DO. where is the Philadelphia Inquirer when we need you?
Thousands of dogs can do nothing this weekend to get out of the heat. They can't find a breeze, they can't find fresh water, they can't find shade, or open space. Who will be out fighting for them this weekend? Those dogs will die terrible deaths, and those that don't die will go crazy and the rest will make it through, barely, to suffer again, in the next heat wave or worse.
Where will everyone who cares be tomorrow? I''ll be protesting, since at this point it's the only safe thing we can do. If I could steal dogs and not do harm to animal rights groups I would.
I have A lot more to say in response to the above letter but I want to get his post out before the heat hits. Please if you can protest puppy mills tomorrow every voice helps and every dog counts.