Friday, May 30, 2008

Puppy Mill Awareness - Where is Everybody?

"WE" can end puppy mills, why haven't we? TOO MANY of us continue to shop in stores that sell puppies, continue to buy puppies, continue to breed dogs and continue to turn our heads instead of doing something. That's what makes this so frustrating because - - we can do something about puppy mills.

Oprah's show on puppy mills ran again this past Thursday and I can only imagine how busy her message boards must be! It would take a life time to get through all the crap that's posted over and over and that's a shame because, between all the tears and heartbreaking stories, you will find some useful information. I think I made it through the first 200 or so pages and WOW, there's simply no denying that people are sooo upset about puppy mills. In fact, thousands of people are so concerned about the puppy mill issue that they felt compelled to post comments on the show's message board; wake up people that won't help a single dog!

Given the number of people who are upset, and rightly so, I feel very few people are actually doing anything to end puppy mills! Where is everybody? When are people going to stop crying about it and actually get out there and do something about it?

I didn't get to watch the first show, or the second, because I work full time but I heard about the show a few days before it first aired and quickly decided I had to find out everything there was to know about puppy mills. I gave myself a quick education, investigated a few local pet stores and quickly realized that I had to do something to help put an end to puppy mills. I could have easily posted my sorrow and outrage on message boards but, instead, I found people already doing something about the problem and I joined them.

Since April I've joined 2 different groups, demonstrated in front of 3 different pet stores, passed out flyers, held signs, informed the public, talked to consumers about shelter dogs, wrote letters and emails to goverment officials in 4 different states, purchased domain names, contacted various animal rights groups, talked to dozens of people who all know more than I and started designing a website..... and I'm Just Getting Started!

Since April and Oprah's first show - - NOT ONE NEW PERSON HAS joined our groups or the demonstrations. Again, where is everybody? The Puppies Need You -the message boards don't.

I just can't understand why more people don't - or won't - give a little bit of their time every week. Why so many people continue to shop in stores selling puppies. That, in the world of Puppy Mill Advocacy, is HARSH.

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